82 // The ALM Rangers with Willy-Peter

9 October 2014 41 mins, 3156 downloads

In this show special guest Willy-Peter Schaub joins us to talk about the ALM Rangers as well as helping us round up this weeks news and information.

Willy-Peter Schaub is a Senior Program Manager with the Visual Studio ALM Rangers at the Microsoft Canada Development Center. Since the mid-1980s, he’s been striving for simplicity and maintainability in software engineering. His blog is at blogs.msdn.com/b/willy-peter_schaub, and you can also find him on Twitter @wpschaub.

Paul also joined us in between Code Camps. If you want to catch him in person then he’ll be at the following events over the coming weeks:

Links from the show:

For feedback contact radiotfs@outlook.com or call +1 425 233-8379. This episode of Radio TFS was brought to you by Saas made easy, a leader in Hosted TFS, dedicated virtual servers and TFS/ALM consulting. You can reach them at http://www.saasmadeeasy.com or email sales@saasmadeeasy.com.