47 // The one with Brian Keller

30 August 2012 42 mins, 6970 downloads

In this episode we sat down and had a great conversation with Brian Keller about some of his favorite features in the Visual Studio 2012 release. For those of you that don't know Brian, he is Principal Technical Evangelist for Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management at Microsoft. He's also a really nice guy and a good friend to everyone on the show so it was a pleasure to have him on. The time just flew by. Hopefully you'll enjoy listening to our chat as much as we enjoyed having it!

Links from the show:

For feedback contact radiotfs@gmail.com or call +1 425 233-8379. This episode of Radio TFS was brought to you by Saas made easy, a leader in Hosted TFS, dedicated virtual servers and TFS/ALM consulting. You can reach them at http://www.saasmadeeasy.com or email sales@saasmadeeasy.com.